Decisions: Routine Versus Novel
Part of why homeschooling is starting so slowly is the difference between “routine decisions” and “novel decisions”. I have four pairs of shoes by the back door and solid reasons and habits for which I choose when I'm leaving the house. That's a routine decision. Should I decide to take up vegetable gardening I would have novel decisions to make: container, raised bed, or in ground? start from seed or tiny plants (with hidden task learning jargon for "tiny baby plants") which vegetables to grow to start with? how many vegetables to grow? where to buy them? use start dates listed in the catalog or look up Texas-specific dates? how often to water? Those decisions impact each other and have consequences. If I put a lot of resources into a fancy stone border for an in-ground garden I don't have to buy a lot of dirt, but it'll be hard to expand if I want more room in a year. How often I'm willing to water probably impacts which vegetables I should grow, but...