
Showing posts from March, 2023

The Cost Of Missing Feedback Loops

  Photo by Nils Huenerfuerst on Unsplash There are a lot of subtle feedback loops that encourage continued participation. Seeing people’s Wordle blocks on social media is not just a reminder to play but also encouragement to share your own results. A class format that gives verbal instructions one step at a time encourages students to keep up their work pace. It only takes a small quirk or disability to push someone out of those feedback loops. My up-close vision is poor and my glasses improve it to mediocre. I accommodate myself by doing things on my computer instead of my phone whenever possible. I switched my gym membership in late December and was determined to start going to the strength-and-socializing class twice a week. You need to sign up ahead of each class and the class is popular so if you wait too long you won’t get in. The time registration opens isn’t written down, but it’s a sociable class and the students share tips. It took me a while to even realize that there w...