Heart Art Is Harder Than It Ought To Be
From Wikimedia Commons: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Heart!.jpg In an attempt to commemorate a holiday and introduce art curriculum more complex than "Draw something!" I found a simple-looking exercise on Pinterest of drawing a heart, drawing a grid around and through the heart, with bending the grid lines in the heart, then coloring them in a checkerboard pattern to make the heart look dimensional. Getting this to work is harder than it looks. It's clear the creator paid attention to exactly where lines intersected each other in ways that weren't explained in the short instructions. On my third try I got kind of close. My kid expressed mild annoyance that mine looked better than theirs, which gave me a chance to point out that I am old and have looked at more optical illusions than they have. But drawing good checkerboard hearts was never my main goal. There was a bunch of other stuff going on that tells me homeschooling is an improvement over public ...