Oh, Right, I Have A Blog (Plus List Of School Skills)
Apparently, intending to write a blog post once a week on the same broad topic is enough of an expectation to trigger PDA/ODD type responses in myself. (Digression, I think PDA and ODD are bad diagnoses and whoever invented the phrases behind those acronyms should feel bad. The behavior and the pattern is real, but the diagnostic terms are victim blame-y and function to rule out helpful changes. I should probably write a whole blog post about that someday.) Through our last day of homeschooling (around Memorial Day in May) I drafted the beginning of multiple blog posts but didn't have the [gestures vaguely around] to finish and post them. It is hard to write about the interesting details without denting my teenager's privacy. While I often enjoy the middle of hard tasks, at any given time I would rather play Minecraft than start a hard task. (This includes new hard tasks in modded Minecraft which is hilariously circular.) I am still using the chart of how...